More about The Coronavirus & Schools

As CMC posted recently, college administrators have acted proactively and preemptively to inform their communities about the novel 2019-nCoV or coronavirus and how students and faculty can get assistance if needed. In discussions about the coronavirus with former CMC clients who are now college students, they report already recieving weekly email alerts about taking precautions,…

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Back To School…More Complex Than Buying New Notebooks

BACK TO SCHOOL: Three words that can send excited nerves through a student’s, parent’s and teacher’s bodies.  Students may lament, yet their friends are waiting on campus, after all.  At the same time, there’s a frenzy of last minute summer reading and assignment completion while parents buzz in the background, brimming with “I told you…

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Plagiarizing Doesn’t Happen Only in School

Original thought that contributes to common knowledge and greater understanding is demanded of students across the country.  New software that scans students’ work and rates the percentage of the document that is potentially plagiarized are being used in high school and college classrooms. One high school junior told us that her teacher returned her history…

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