We are an educational advisory driven by a human-centered approach. Our educational experts attentively listen to clients’ distinct needs to create personalized educational solutions. We foster dialogue throughout the implementation process, ensuring that we adapt and refine our support as necessary and in real time. With an unwavering commitment to objectivity, rooted in our multi-decade experience, clients trust us to provide expert guidance on a diverse array of complex educational matters.



Art’s vision for a student-centered, collaborative educational advisory took shape nearly 30 years ago during his tenure teaching high school. In 2000, he joined forces with Jill, a Harvard-trained educator, and after a two-year planning process, they co-founded Creative Marbles in 2003.  For 20 years, Art and Jill remain committed to advising both parents and students, knowing that individual academic success requires the collective efforts of a community.  Read More.



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Creative Marbles Consultancy’s educational advisors are committed to guiding and educating youth. In twenty years, our teachers turned consultants have collaborated with numerous families to navigate the ever-evolving and complex college admissions process. We help families devise educational plans so students can cultivate their talents and achieve economic prosperity.  Read More.


Jill and Art at Creative Marbles Consultancy are experts at helping teens get into college. They are knowledgeable, caring, and effective. I highly recommend them to any high school student.

Monica Anderson, parent of former CMC client
Monica, California

I high recommend Creative Marbles for college application assistance. Jill and Art are knowledgeable, supportive, and effective. My daughter is a happy student at George Mason University and still has a positive relationship with the staff.

Saori Choulos, parent of former CMC client
Saori, Virginia

Jill and Art at Creative Marbles Consultancy provided invaluable support to my children during the college application process. They helped us navigate the complex process and my children are now thriving at their dream schools. I highly recommend Creative Marbles to any family facing the college application process.

Sue Dalrymple, parent of former CMC client
Sue, California

How College Essay Writing Really Works

First, students try and organize their thoughts, often encountering writer’s blocks: After bailing out their thoughts, finally underway with drafting…
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Tips for Parents’ College Application Anxiety: Part 2

Many parents of rising high school juniors and seniors are often concerned their teens seem less concerned about selecting colleges,…
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Tips for Parents’ College Application Anxiety: Part 1

Parents of rising high school seniors typically are proud, excited, and anxious in the summer before submitting college applications. Commonly,…
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Understanding College Tuition Discount Rates

The published college tuition is not often the amount the average family will pay, thanks to increasing discounts in the…
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Don’t Major in Computer Science?

As we previously discussed here and here and here, as well as contrary to popular belief, studying computer science is…
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The Wealth of Living True

https://player.vimeo.com/video/931575464?h=e1020f6b72&color=44ef00 BRANDED from Surya Sundararajan on Vimeo. From the beginnings of a promising film career, Surya consistently honors and hones…
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Prestige = Self-Worth?

Searching for “The Ideal College”, students often seek the most elite admissions possible. Many believe a seemingly “prestigious” or “ranked”…
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Summer Strategies for Stressed-Out Rising Seniors: Relax, Recharge, and Rock Your College Apps

The Summer Squeeze: Balancing Fun and Future Most students are planning to unwind during summer break. But with college applications…
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The Fallacy of Reach, Target, and Backup

Families often simplify the college selection process when categorizing campuses as “Reach,” “Target,” and “Backup” based on perceived chances of…
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Inhumanity of Waitlists

Being waitlisted for college admissions prolongs hope, colleges banking on applicants’ desire to be admitted. And, students offered an “extended”…
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