Guest Post: How often should you talk to your college student?

A timely post from a mom who knows.  Louise’s two daughters are attending Cornell University and University of California, Berkeley, while she lives in Sacramento, California.  Since her oldest daughter moved to New York, Louise has learned a few lessons about keeping in touch with her kids, while giving them space to grow. Her thoughts…

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Ahead of the Curve: All About Financing A College Education

Thoughts from the news: Flip Side of Reducing Student Debt Is Increasing the Federal Deficit, New York Times, February 11, 2015—for every benefit, there is a cost Looking At Student Loan Defaults Through a Larger Landscape, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, February 19, 2015—student loan defaults are not only increasing, but also occurring earlier in…

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Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to Be Empty? Part 2

Advice from Louise, who’s two daughters are in their second and third years of college at University of California Berkeley and Cornell University, respectively, for parents with anxieties about their Senior-in-high-school-children, who are soon to leave their childhood homes.  Nerves can be heightened at this time of year, as the final college applications are being…

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