Students and their parents worry, as is often the case in this springtime of year, about who will be admitted and/or rejected at what college, believing that the outcome of a meritocratic, formulaic decision making process that defines winners (those accepted) and losers (those denied) is the final arbiter of who succeeds in life and…
Tag: Prosperity
Why a College Degree May Not Be a Guarantee of “Wealth” and Prosperity
Hat Tip: Whatever It Takes to Never Give Up, Doug Noland
College Degree: Gateway to Financial Prosperity or Not?
The chart below illustrates the number of college graduates since 2005 who are employed, yet earning at or below the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. As we discussed in an earlier post, the chart reinforces that more of today’s college graduates are underemployed, or working in jobs that don’t require college degrees. As we…