Salary: Only One Measure of A College’s Worth

“To get a good job,” is an oft heard reason why a student is headed to college, usually stated while their parents nod vigorously in the background.  A recent New York Times article–New Metric for Colleges: Graduates’ Salaries–discusses the merits of using a college graduate’s average earnings as a measure of a campus’ value, which…

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Common Application Essays Part 3: Defining Prompt 1

Generally, college admissions officers are seeking greater insight and knowledge of the student from the college essay. Our most recent podcast defining the first essay question of the new Common Application essays (which is listed below) can help Seniors begin uncovering the meaning or significance of their life experience in drafting their college essays. Some…

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More College Admissions 101

Additional insights to answer the complex questions Hewlett Packard employees asked during our second College Admissions and Financial Aid Brown Bag Lunch, since we were limited in our discussion time last week.  Each topic is bolded, with the details listed below: College Application Essays The autobiographical college application essays are a meaningful part of any…

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Private Universities May Not Cost More Than A Public University, In the Final Analysis

Dismissing a college based only on cost, as many families tend to do when considering private universities, may overlook a valuable choice for an individual student.  The following podcast discusses how to “value” a public university in relation to a private university, as well as offers tips for planning for future college expenses. For more…

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Common App Essays Part 2: How to Write College Essays

Knowing what the college essay adds to a college application, as we discussed in the first podcast of our Common Application essay series, is only the first step in developing a competitive personal statement.  The following podcast advises Seniors how to actually write the autobiographical college essay, and addresses common challenges in the drafting process.   The college…

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Paying for College vs. Saving for Retirement, Round 1

Worries about paying for rising college costs can be compounded by concerns over saving for retirement.  As seen in the chart below, with average retirement savings of people aged 45-54, the general age range of parents with college-aged children, at $10,100, can explain parents’ concerns.   The Baby Boomer group just ahead in age (55-64)…

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Paying for College Is Complicated

Proof that median household incomes are less today, than 4 years ago: The drop in median household incomes is occurring simultaneously with an almost triple digit increase in tuition at the University of California and double digit average tuition increases at private universities nationwide.  There’s little wonder that middle income families are concerned about paying for college.…

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Part 2: Learning May Not Be Simple–The Student’s Perspective

In Part One of our “Learning May Not Be Simple” series, we discussed the complexities of presenting new information in an average classroom, as well as how a teacher’s management of the class can influence the learning process.  The following highlights the student’s perspective and the complications of understanding new information, particularly for high school…

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