Image of a Teacher

Learn HOW to Learn: The Legacy of Mr. Coombs

At this time of the school year–after first semester grades and well-into the next semester–I receive increased requests for tutor referrals.  Parents and students naturally assume that a less than expected grade in a class is due to content deficit–that somehow the student just “isn’t getting it”; “it” being the ideas and concepts presented in…

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“ARRRRGH! Why is High School So Stressful?!?”

The worry that comes with trying to understand how actions today will affect one’s unknown future can create stress for anyone.  Now, add that one is 15, 16 or 17–with limited life experience–trying to predict their future based on their academic performance on one class assignment today, and there’s even further cause creating stress.  …

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Everything can be re-imagined.  Our creativity is limitless in its natural state.  We only limit ourselves.  Education gives us tools and helps expose us to options.  After that, its our responsibility to build on those experiences to produce (or re-produce) something new. Here’s another “re-imagining” of a classic icon, Julia Child, who wrote that through…

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Back To School…More Complex Than Buying New Notebooks

BACK TO SCHOOL: Three words that can send excited nerves through a student’s, parent’s and teacher’s bodies.  Students may lament, yet their friends are waiting on campus, after all.  At the same time, there’s a frenzy of last minute summer reading and assignment completion while parents buzz in the background, brimming with “I told you…

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