Although Irene Bergman intended her advice for Wall Street finance types, her wisdom can apply to anyone in any situation. Bloomberg News recently highlighted Ms. Bergman for her longevity in a notoriously competitive business, stock trading. We can all learn a lesson, if for no other reason, than Ms. Bergman has the weight of a century…
Tag: College applications
New Information about the June 6, 2015 SAT Error
Scores from the June 6, 2015 SAT will still be valid; however, any student believing their June 6, 2015 SAT scores were unduly affected by the printing error, which we discussed in our previous post, can petition for a retake for free. The College Board will waive the fees for the October 3, 2015 SAT…
About the June 6, 2015 SAT Error
First, take a deep breath. Hearing “error” and “SAT” in the same sentence can create stress. The College Board will NOT ask anyone to retake the SAT, despite a printing error on the June 6, 2015 test. Here’s what happened, straight from the College Board public announcement: The time allotted for a specific math…
The Complexity of Choosing Colleges
The vastness of the western United States, specifically California, can actually limit our view. Each time I speak with high school juniors about college choices, I hear the aforementioned oxymoron. The diverse geography of California and distance of Northern California to Southern California can entice students to think they’re making a big move away from…
The Practicality of a College Education
Presented in addition to last week’s post about what faces Class of 2015 Graduates… From Zero Hedge, May 31, 2015
Student Debt in Seven Charts
Not all student debt is ruinous. However, borrowing can be complex. Loans spend tomorrow’s income today, and for college students, a promise of tomorrow’s income is spent to pay for expenses in the present day. Understanding recent growth in student loans and the challenges of repayment can help potential student loan borrowers consider both the benefits and the risks before borrowing.…
The Changes to the SAT
The College Board will give the revised version of the SAT for the first time in March 2016. The revised version of the SAT will still include a Critical Reading, Math and a Writing portion; however, the Writing section will be optional. College admissions offices are slowly addressing the changes in the SAT format, yet…
Enjoy Childhood
Preparing for college admissions doesn’t have to begin at conception… Cartoon courtesy of The New Yorker
Yes. The reasons for completing community service matters… Cartoon credit: The New Yorker Magazine
On Writing
The writing process is not simple nor are perfect college essays developed in one draft. The following is an excerpt from a recent New York Times Magazine article, “Old Masters“: Lewis Latham on writing: When I was 6, I delighted in the act of writing, at 12, in the expecting that by the time I…
Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to be Empty?
About the Author: Both of Louise’s daughters worked with Creative Marbles Consultancy to navigate the college admissions process. Emily is a third year student at Cornell University and Kate is a second year student at University of California, Berkeley. Louise graciously shares her experiences about the transitions as both daughters moved away for college. Before…
Are You Ready for the SAT and ACT?
Reviewing subject matter broadly does not constitute an effective preparation strategy for the SAT and ACT. Since the SAT and ACT constrain students’ performance within strict time limits, understanding the test format is essential. Being familiar with the test structure and testing circumstances, students can deftly navigate each section, and not become flustered when encountering…
College Confidence?
The following chart shows wage growth (or lack of) 60 months into the most recent economic “recovery”, which is at the lowest point since World War II. Furthermore, the employment situation is no more rosy: “The bottom line is, we’re a million miles from full employment,” said [David] Blanchflower, a Bank of England policy maker…
Ahead of the Curve: August 9, 2014
Inspired by CMC Clients: OMG College ESSAYS! College essays are often feared. Topic selection can confound students, who’re under the impression that a traumatic-dramatic-life-altering experience makes a compelling college essay. However, choosing the “perfect” topic is not necessary to begin writing. Simply start putting words on the page. Then, students will have some thoughts to edit and…