The Top 100 Colleges in the U.S. Ranked by Tuition

How to assess the value of a college education in order to avoid malinvestment

Comparing the published price of tuition along with the size of the student population can be one metric to value a university education. However, “shopping” colleges on price alone is shortsighted, thus families may overlook valuable educational opportunities.  Instead families should determine the value of any college education by discussing answers to reflective questions, starting…

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Students Balk, Lawyers Talk

Currently, students at 25 different universities are suing for fees and tuition refunds. Students’ sentiments can generally be summized in the language of the Cornell students’ lawsuit:  Students have been deprived of the opportunity for collaborative learning and in-person dialogue, feedback, and critique. The remote learning options are in no way the equivalent of the…

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Tied at the Hip: Modern-Day Parenting

“Helicopter Parenting” has become a norm, which can delay adult children taking responsibility for themselves. More colleges staff are now sponsoring a PTA-like “College Parent Groups”. Adult children can also tie themselves to mom and dad; some request editorial advice on college papers through Google Documents. And, as no parent wants their child to suffer,…

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Is College the New Speculation?

Often students earn college degrees to increase their likelihood of future financial stability.  Yet, as college costs are rising, students and their parents subsequently are borrowing more to earn said degree, thus students “spend” the equivalent of a few years’ of post-graduation wages while parents may delay retirement, the question is, “Is college worth the…

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Student Loan Repayments May Cost More Than The Amount Borrowed

Changes to repayment rules for Federal student loans offers borrowers flexibility to manage their debts, as outlined in a recent New York Times article.  However, not only do the recent changes provide assistance for current borrowers, potential student loan borrowers can plan ahead. Our recommendations are outlined, alongside excerpts of the article in italics. Rising…

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College Affordability: Doing More With Less

While college costs have continued rising, median incomes over the same period have not increased at corresponding rates, as we first posted here.  The failure of income to rise at the same pace as college costs increases can place greater pressure on family budgets, potentially restraining college choices.  Thus, families may spend more effort in investigating potential…

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