Finding A College Can Feel Like Searching for a Needle in the Haystack

But, in reality, the student is the needle.  No, that’s not some obscure Master-Yoda-Jedi-training-mind-trick.  What it means is that the more that college bound student, knows about himself/herself  (i.e. interests, vision, goals–career and otherwise), then the narrower the field of possible colleges for both application and enrollment becomes.  Plus, the six figure price tag of…

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College Admissions & Financial Aid 101: The Expanded Edition

After facilitating a lively Brown Bag Lunch discussion at Hewlett Packard in Roseville, CA called, “College Admissions & Financial Aid 101”, I wanted to l expand on a few answers, as well as offer additional tips for families: About the information college’s review in applications during admissions decision making:   The four main areas of…

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When is “Enough” Enough?

When is “enough”, enough?  To answer this question, let’s define “enough”.  In my experience, an outside (read: someone else’s) definition of “enough” may provide a starting point, but knowing when I’m “enough” is an inside job.  Clients and friends time and again have reinforced the notion that “trusting my own experience” will be the true…

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It’s Never Too Early (or Late) to Plan for College Costs

After talking with News10 Sacramento this morning about financial aid and paying for college, thought I’d share a few additional tips and expand on a few points we discussed: Understanding the Family’s Finances: The more parents can understand the family finances, the better planning can take place for the additional expense of college tuition.  Some…

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What Trends in Public University Tuition Means for College Bound Seniors

Public universities and colleges are partially funded by student tuition and partially by state and local government revenues (i.e. taxes collected), alongside subsidies by the Federal government and private donations.  Public funding is then allocated per full time student, as shown in the map below. Alaska contributes the most per student at $14,837, while the…

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Choosing Harvard: Thoughts About a “Prestigious” University

As Juniors and their families begin sizing up prospective colleges for application and weighing the value of a college’s reputation, I thought I’d share I came to be a Harvard graduate, along with thoughts about a recent New York Times article, Measuring College Prestige vs. Cost of Enrollment.  Quotes from the New York Times article will…

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Greek Life: One Perspective on College Fraternities & Sororities

Clients often want to consider colleges where they’ll be opportunities to join Sororities and Fraternities, also known as Greek Life.  In response to clients’ questions, I interviewed Drew, a former Creative Marbles Consultancy client, Fraternity member and soon-to-be-graduated college student with a degree in Biology.  He talked with me about how joining a fraternity added to his…

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