“We treat our kids like adults when they’re children, and we infantilize them when they’re 18 years old.” –Jean Twenge (The Atlantic, July/August 2011) We routinely hear parents share concerns as their grown children are preparing to leave for college that laundry and food and budgeting–basics of managing life–won’t be done, nor learned. (Rarely, do…
Tag: College
Who’s Choosing Transfer Admissions?
The students who choose transfer admissions over starting at a 4 year college right after high school graduation is changing. While money has been a factor in choosing transfer admissions in the past, it’s been more like, “Well, Junior doesn’t know what he wants to do (i.e. declare as his major or job he wants…
Guest Post: Study Abroad from a Parent’s Perspective
By: Lisa Dalton, parent of a senior at the University of Oregon, and sophomore at Washington State University CMC Note: There are alternatives to “studying” abroad, including service projects that many universities arrange, as well. _______________________ If you are in the midst of college tours with your high school senior, or you have a student…
Before Choosing Transfer Admissions…
The Community College Transfer option to a 4 Year College, while seeming to save money in the short term, can include other costs. Currently, community colleges in California are challenged to service their students, given the budget reductions from the state. At the same time demand is rising for space in California community colleges–300,000 students…
New College Freshman Blues?
Ok. Let’s look at the facts: You’ve moved away from home. (Possibly the first move in a primary residence–ever. And, possibly in a brand new city, maybe even state.) You’re living with a stranger in your immediate space (where you may have been used to your own room); not to mention the hundreds of other…
College Grads Face Difficult Job Market
Recent college grads continue to face what may be one of the most difficult job markets since the 1930’s. Not only is the job market grim for college grads, but many also begin their job search weighed down by student loan debt that cannot be forgiven, postponed indefinitely (nor done so for free).
The Neverending Reform in Education Coming to a College Near You
In a recent article by Richard Pérez-Peña of the New York Times, “Trying to Find a Measure for How Well Colleges Do,” we are beginning to see what might be the next chapter in the near obsessive effort to measure the performance of education: this time with colleges being in the cross hairs.