What are you willing to risk to pay for college? Would you seriously consider these alternative methods of paying for college? If it sounds too good to be true, definitely take a second (or a third) look. From the Wall Street Journal, 7/31/2012
Tag: Interest rate
College costs more than 4 years of tuition
Student loan debt is future income brought forward. To an 18 year old college Freshman, with little experience in financial responsibility, this concept may be foreign. Financial literacy is only part of the resolution; students and parents need foresight and continued roll-up-their-sleeves effort to pick colleges that will give them the greatest value for their…
The $1 Trillion Inheritance
The Student Debt total reached $1 Trillion today. What are the costs for future generations and its prosperity? Since student debt is future income brought forward, Creative Marbles suggests thinking carefully about career and major choices to know if a student would be able to afford the monthly loan payments. Also, students need to consider…
Student Loan Debate in Congress Continues
It’s partisan politics as usual in this election year, as Congress continues its debate on student loan legislation. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Republicans on Tuesday blocked the Senate from considering a measure to keep the rate on subsidized federal student loans from doubling amid suspicion of Democrats’ motives as they seek to court…