As we enter the winter season, this year’s class of bacteria and viruses will be waiting to greet students with open arms. While no one intends to be sick, sickness is an inevitable part of life. Yet, once sick, students resist taking time to rest, so as to “not fall behind.” Sickness is disruptive, forcing…
Tag: Parent
Living with Mom & Dad?
Is the trend shown in the chart below, caused by the increase in student loans, as seen in the following chart? Charts Courtesy: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research & Zero Hedge, October 26, 2014
On Writing
The writing process is not simple nor are perfect college essays developed in one draft. The following is an excerpt from a recent New York Times Magazine article, “Old Masters“: Lewis Latham on writing: When I was 6, I delighted in the act of writing, at 12, in the expecting that by the time I…
Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to be Empty?
About the Author: Both of Louise’s daughters worked with Creative Marbles Consultancy to navigate the college admissions process. Emily is a third year student at Cornell University and Kate is a second year student at University of California, Berkeley. Louise graciously shares her experiences about the transitions as both daughters moved away for college. Before…
September 2014 ACT Scores Available Online
September 13, 2014 ACT test scores are now available online. The mailed copies of test scores will arrive in the next 2-4 weeks. Often, the online score report is missing the Combined English/Writing section score, as ACT readers are still evaluating the essays. Fear not: the Combined English/Writing score will be posted online within the…
Guest Post: So You’re Gonna Be A College Freshman
About the author: Allie is starting her senior year at University of Arizona, which she selected after an intensive search for colleges in the Western U.S. with speech therapy and audiology programs. She graciously agreed to allow Creative Marbles to repost the following from her blog. This summer I worked at the College of Admissions at…
The Bill Always Comes Due
An unprecedented $1.2 trillion in student debt has grown exponentially in the last several generations, showing few signs of abating. In less than one generation, college graduates have tripled their debt burden. According to the Wall Street Journal, over 70% of the Class of 2014 will graduate college with an average of $33,000 in student…
Top 10 Questions NOT to Ask a High School Senior
Where are you applying to college? You must be excited to graduate high school, aren’t you? Isn’t senior year the best time of your life? What is your GPA? What are your SAT scores? Why do you want to apply there? (referring to a particular college) My son/daughter/nephew/co-worker’s daughter’s boyfriend’s cousin went to _____ (fill-in-the-blank…
Gotta Read ‘Em All
Let the summer reading games begin! In this corner, Whatever Novel that your kid does NOT want to read, but is required to read for Class X! In this corner, Kid + Team Distraction—Instagram, YouTube, XBOX, Hulu, Sleeping In…you get the picture. Additionally, parents may wonder if summer reading is a cruel revenge fantasy of…
Sometimes You Gotta Go Slow to Go Fast
Parents are often afraid that summer vacation will render their children’s minds into mush. Plus, the indulgence in what can be considered mindless activities, like playing video games, for hours on end is a seeming threat to a kid’s long term college admissions competitiveness. Realistically, most students brains, nor their chances for college admissions, were…
How Major is a College Major?
Choosing a college major is not the fork-in-the-road life moment, where the only consequences are becoming the next Steve Jobs or complete destitution. Many will equate “deciding a major” with “deciding a career.” However, major choice doesn’t always match exactly with careers. Ask any college graduate if their career directly correlates with their academic major. …
Guest Post: Investigating the Stereotypes about Women’s Colleges
Hearsay and rumors can preclude students from considering women’s colleges. In order to gain more understanding, Olivia and Stephanie, the authors of the following post, share their experiences as students at women’s colleges in different parts of the United States. Olivia currently attends Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA and Stephanie recently graduated from Mills College…
Borrower Beware
Student borrowers aren’t the only ones defaulting on college loans… Chart source: Department of Education & Inside Higher Ed
Parenting Is Neither Simple Nor Straightforward
As if there needs to be more evidence of the complicated relationship between parent and child, the October 2013 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll results stated that 55% of those surveyed would die for their children; yet of those same folks, only 10% would die for their parents. So, while parents may willingly sacrifice themselves, their…