Community College Transfers Increasingly Enroll at Multiple Campuses

Last fall, about 69,665 students attended two schools, nearly 5,000 went to three schools and about 400 to four or five schools, according to data from the California Community Colleges chancellor’s office. (The numbers include students who take online classes; officials are unsure how many are in that category.) Los Angeles Times, October 16, 2012…

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Guest Post: A Parents’ Perspective Times Two

About the Authors: Anne’s & Dan’s two daughters both moved away from home this fall to start college–one as an upper division transfer at University of San Francisco and one as a freshman at Baylor University.  Their experience helping both daughters’ pay college expenses was featured, along with Creative Marbles, in the October issue of Comstocks…

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“ARRRRGH! Why is High School So Stressful?!?”

The worry that comes with trying to understand how actions today will affect one’s unknown future can create stress for anyone.  Now, add that one is 15, 16 or 17–with limited life experience–trying to predict their future based on their academic performance on one class assignment today, and there’s even further cause creating stress.  …

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“OMG! I Have to Write a Common App Supplement Essay, Too?!? How?”

Essays can be one way for applicants to distinguish themselves and present their case for why s/he should be admitted.  But, they require some effort. Often, the Common Application Supplements–which are a series of questions specific to the individual college submitting in addition to the general Common Application–provides the applicant the opportunity to tell more…

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Gaining Scholarships & Paying for College is a Process

The recent October Comstock’s Magazine–a business publication in our Sacramento region–featured Art’s & Jill’s advice to plan for rising college expenses and answer the all-important how to apply for scholarships question.  Click here to read more. Financing a college education is a series of choices–sometimes over years.    However, waiting until the first tuition bill arrives…

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What’s the Least Amount I Will Have to Pay for College?

Free.  How do we find a free college education or at least greatly reduced from the published price?   Makes sense families are concerned about the costs of college and their ability to pay for those continuing-to-rise costs. Scholarships seem like the likeliest possibility for reducing the out-of-pocket costs.  They are free money…(i.e. you don’t have…

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Guest Post: The Saving for College Challenge, Part One – How Can I Save For College

About the authors: For over 25 years, Cynthia S. Meyers, CFP®, MBA, has assisted people with their Lifetime Financial Planning–helping to build and preserve wealth in every area of life.  Jenny Hood, CFP® has been a paraplanner with Cynthia S. Meyers for five years and enjoys being a part of the financial planning process.  They…

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B.A. in Common Sense

“Common sense can be uncommon.”–Art Baird Every parent knows with certainty their kid is smart.  As Montaigne said, “Everyman has within himself the entire human condition.”  Yet, what does smart mean?  How smart is smart? Is our current generation of budding adults–actually legally an adult–but mere months away from teenager-dome, lacking common sense?  Have we,…

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