Parents want what’s best for their children. Yet, what is the cost of “the best” for both parent and child? A recent Ameriprise Financial study found the following amongst Baby Boomer Parents (born between 1946-1964) 55% allowed their adult children to move home rent free 71% paid college tuition Yet, 34% say that helping children…
Tag: Parent
California’s Budget Shortfalls: Consider the Immediate and Long Term Effects
Although California’s budget is challenging CSU officials to “live within it’s means” in the short term, forgoing expenses today can affect the long term quality of education and how the CSU educates students in the future. Delaying purchases on library materials today can affect the resources available to future students, and coupled with phasing out…
Dropping wages = shrinking prosperity?
According the the Economic Policy Institute, from 2002-2012: For male workers: With a college degree: hourly wages dropped 11% to $21.68 With a high school diploma: hourly wages dropped 10% to 11.68 For female workers: With a college degree: hourly wages dropped 7.6% to $18.80 With a high school diploma: hourly wages dropped 9.2% to…
California’s Budget Shortfalls: Opportunity for Improvement?
The reported $3 Billion shortfall in tax revenues for California may mean: Increases to tuition and fees at community colleges, CSU and UC campuses–expanding the overall cost of a college degree in California Continued cuts to services, like counseling and librarians, for K-12 schools. Families may have to increase their volunteer hours to fund-raise for…
College Will Payoff in the Long Term, Right?
Graph Source: Wall Street Journal 4/27/2012
Lower Student Loan Interest Today = Future National Debt Costs?
In an earlier post, we mentioned the continued political debate about maintaining the current student loan interest rates at 3.4%, instead of the increase to 6.8%, if Congress doesn’t come to consensus before July 1, 2012. Mark Kantrowitz of FinAid and the Wall Street Journal debate whether the short term gain of low student interest…
House Votes to Keep Student Loan Interest Rates Low for 2012-13: A Good Move?
The Wall Street Journal reported that the House today passed a resolution to keep the current interest rate on student Stafford loans at 3.4% for the 2012-13 school year. The Senate is scheduled to vote on a similar bill on May 8th. Without Congressional consensus, student loan interest rates will increase to 6.8% for the…
Quality in Education isn’t an Entitlement
I recently read an archived article written by John Fischer in February 1965 for Harper’s Magazine titled, “Is there a teacher on the faculty?” Being a former classroom teacher, I am still fascinated by this idea of quality teaching. What is a quality teacher? Are the skills that make for a quality teacher inherent, or…
Parents and Academic Success
Parents often ask what they can do to support their children’s education. Elementary school parents can feel confident to assist with homework assignments and welcome to volunteer in the classroom. Yet, as students mature, mom and dad’s presence on campus at middle school and high school can be an embarrassment to teens, while mom and…