Happy, Happy Thanksgivings To One and All From Your Friends at Creative Marbles

Charlie Brown and Snoopy Thanksgiving ImageOur resident seven year old history teacher–while once again practicing the oral tradition of concentrating when listening to an instruction and sharing it from memory with others–recites a historical synopsis of Thanksgiving in helping to define the importance of this day.

At Creative Marbles Consultancy, we take a somewhat day off today (college deadlines happen to be right on the other side of Thanksgiving, making it difficult to take the full day off) to contemplate the idea of gratitude.  The dictionary defines gratitude as: “The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” So, let me see, what am I grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day?

1. First and foremost, for being alive; To have this human life, with all its possibilities, to learn from my experiences and share that understanding with other’s whenever the possiblity arises.

2. For those teachers and guides that have helped me throughout my life learn the essential knowledge that allows me to see past my selfish nature and be of benefit to others.

3. For all those people who have sacrificed themselves in one way or another for others, without prejudice towards whom their actions will benefit, and without expectation of reward.

4. For food, shelter and clothing, so I am not hungry, exposed or cold, allowing me to concentrate on studying, so I may gain further knowledge.

5. For my health and faculties that allow me to comprehend the world around me.

6. For friends and foes alike that without both would make it difficult to evolve as a person.

7. For struggle and challenges that help me innovate and develop both patience and compassion.

8. Finally, for the constancy of change, that without it, would lead me to bog down in the mud of my own self-importance.

Well, of course, this is just a partial list that changes daily, yet allows me the chance to practice expressing gratitude, the essential attitude for right living.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and may your wishes come true and may blessings rain down on all, like a cool summer rain. 

Image Credit: Charles Schultz

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About Art Baird, Founding Partner of Creative Marbles Consultancy

Art melds his passion for acquiring and disseminating knowledge with his decades of experience teaching into straightforward, collaborative advising. His pointed questioning facilitates debate, empowering clients to achieve their vision in education and in life.
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