To Transfer or Not to Transfer: The Community College Dilemma

Parents (and increasingly students) are asking us about transferring from a community college to a 4 year university from early in their high school careers and making transfer a primary option, rather than a Plan B.  Community college transfer became a more serious option when families were uncertain about admissions chances.  Now, younger students and…

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Prudent Fiscal Planning (Part 4): To Save, Or Not To Save That Is The Question

Previous posts in this series on prudent fiscal planning, focused on the need for fiscal planning, as well as both the income and expense elements of the profit and loss (income and expense) statement. Today, we will look at net income–which is the total after subtracting expenses from income in any given period–and, yes, it…

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High School = College Tours “Invade” Family Vacations

Once students enter high school, parents start planning summer vacations to coordinate with college campus visits (often wondering where all the time went).   More exposure to college life helps students make informed decisions about applications and eventually enrollment. Listen to our tips that will help make time on campus more productive: Starting tours early also…

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College = Personal & Intellectual Independence?

Here’s proof that computer science and creative arts are not opposite pursuits.   Will the prospective colleges you’re investigating allow you the room to think outside the box? Many students tell us they’re seeking greater independence by going to college.  Doesn’t the freedom to innovate AND be nurtured for realizing something previously unimagined qualify, as “independence”?…

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The Internship Dilemma

While internships give new professionals valuable experience, Federal laws prohibit interns from doing tasks that a company would otherwise pay an employee.   In California, interns are required to earn college credit in place of being paid.  Since college students seek internships to be competitive for decreasing numbers of jobs, given the current economic circumstances,…

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The “Muddy” Side of Learning

Do-it-yourself does not just refer to hours at Home Depot, then trucking all that stuff home to saw, sweat, swear and drive back to Home Depot for stuff you forgot, while your family watches from a distance–afraid of the snarls.  As an educational tool, DIY refers to the blow-stuff-up, come-home-dirty-enough-so-your-mom-makes-you-change-in-the-garage, direct-your-own-project learning.   You know,…

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