“…the core skill of an innovator is error recovery not failure avoidance.” – Pixar University’s Randy Nelson Innovators simply tweak a relatively ordinary experience to seem new. Think: Howard Shultz, Starbucks CEO, repackaging coffee (a substance humans have been drinking for thousands of years) building a whole new market. Think: Steve Jobs of Apple, building…
Category: Education
Student Debt in Seven Charts
Not all student debt is ruinous. However, borrowing can be complex. Loans spend tomorrow’s income today, and for college students, a promise of tomorrow’s income is spent to pay for expenses in the present day. Understanding recent growth in student loans and the challenges of repayment can help potential student loan borrowers consider both the benefits and the risks before borrowing.…
The Changes to the SAT
The College Board will give the revised version of the SAT for the first time in March 2016. The revised version of the SAT will still include a Critical Reading, Math and a Writing portion; however, the Writing section will be optional. College admissions offices are slowly addressing the changes in the SAT format, yet…
Decoding College Admissions Decisions
Acceptance*: What it feels like: “YES! OMG!” And, loud screaming. Maybe some tears of joy (and relief). What it means: You still need to pass all classes in Spring semester with a C or better, otherwise the acceptance can be rescinded. Denial: What it feels like: Rejection. A disapproving judgment of where there’s no discussion,…
Ahead of the Curve: All About Financing A College Education
Thoughts from the news: Flip Side of Reducing Student Debt Is Increasing the Federal Deficit, New York Times, February 11, 2015—for every benefit, there is a cost Looking At Student Loan Defaults Through a Larger Landscape, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, February 19, 2015—student loan defaults are not only increasing, but also occurring earlier in…
The Perils of Scholarships
To many parents, winning scholarships both rewards academic excellence and various leadership achievements, while subsidizing the total costs of college. Even though many high school seniors also desire the benefits of scholarships, many scholarships remain un-awarded. Understanding the timing of scholarship deadlines may explain why action doesn’t follow good intentions.
Enjoy Childhood
Preparing for college admissions doesn’t have to begin at conception… Cartoon courtesy of The New Yorker
“Situational Awareness”
Violence periodically erupts throughout history, and college campuses are not exempt from these episodes. Yet, our human tendency to forget painful events as soon as possible can cause us to be gullible and irrationally fearful. However, when we understand the epidemic of violence, we can become proactive agents in our everyday lives, through developing a…
Yes. The reasons for completing community service matters… Cartoon credit: The New Yorker Magazine
Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to Be Empty? Part 2
Advice from Louise, who’s two daughters are in their second and third years of college at University of California Berkeley and Cornell University, respectively, for parents with anxieties about their Senior-in-high-school-children, who are soon to leave their childhood homes. Nerves can be heightened at this time of year, as the final college applications are being…
Wait…I Have Student Debt?!?
In a recent survey published by the Brookings Institute, current college students with student debt were unaware of the exact loan amounts, as well as what they’d eventually repay. At $1.2 Trillion and growing daily, total student debt may be more complicated than we, as a society understand. Highlights of the findings are below: At a public four-year…
On Being Sick
As we enter the winter season, this year’s class of bacteria and viruses will be waiting to greet students with open arms. While no one intends to be sick, sickness is an inevitable part of life. Yet, once sick, students resist taking time to rest, so as to “not fall behind.” Sickness is disruptive, forcing…
Living with Mom & Dad?
Is the trend shown in the chart below, caused by the increase in student loans, as seen in the following chart? Charts Courtesy: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research & Zero Hedge, October 26, 2014
On Writing
The writing process is not simple nor are perfect college essays developed in one draft. The following is an excerpt from a recent New York Times Magazine article, “Old Masters“: Lewis Latham on writing: When I was 6, I delighted in the act of writing, at 12, in the expecting that by the time I…