Guest Post: SAT: Stressful Anxiety Time

About the Author: After being accepted to four year college, but choosing to postpone going to college in favor of pursing a career as a cyclist, David in his spare time works at Hubbubbaloo Creative.  In the following, he offers insights to the challenges in taking the SAT or ACT.   __________________________________________________ It’s a cold Saturday morning. You pull…

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UC Berkeley Adds Letters of Recommendation for Fall 2016 Freshman Admissions

For Fall 2016 freshmen admissions, the University of California Berkeley will be accepting up to two letters of recommendation from selected applicants. In November 2015, some applicants will received emailed invitations to submit letters of recommendation.   Submitting the letters of recommendation will be optional; therefore, no freshman applicant, including those who do not receive an…

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Guest Post: How often should you talk to your college student?

A timely post from a mom who knows.  Louise’s two daughters are attending Cornell University and University of California, Berkeley, while she lives in Sacramento, California.  Since her oldest daughter moved to New York, Louise has learned a few lessons about keeping in touch with her kids, while giving them space to grow. Her thoughts…

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The Free-For-All in University of California Admissions

The University of California (UC)’s reputation as a flagship public university system attracts not only us Californians, but a nationwide and international applicant pool.  Record numbers have applied to UC schools year over year.  Given the finite number of seats on each UC campus, someone’s not going to be admitted, regardless of residency status. (And, for Fall 2015,…

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