For Fall 2012 and future Fall 2013 Subsidized Direct Loan Borrowers: The Federal Government will no longer withhold interest during the six-month grace period before loans go into repayment. According to Federal Student Aid, “the interest will be capitalized (added to the principal amount of your loan) when the grace period ends.” Borrowers do not need…
Tag: College admissions
Guilt? I Didn’t See that On My College Bill
Without understanding the value of a college degree, students can sense, what they often term, “guilt.” They may not confidently understand why their families, and increasingly themselves (in the form of student loans), are paying the thousands of dollars (and rising each year) that a college degree costs. Listen to the following podcast, featuring Julie…
CA College Tuition = UP; College Value = ?
California ranks among the top five states in the nation for the greatest tuition increases in their public universities. (Wall Street Journal, 8/14/2012) Not only do current UC students face a possible additional 20% increase mid-school year, if the November tax increase does not pass, the budget reductions can mean more cuts to courses…
Guest Post: Study Abroad from a Parent’s Perspective
By: Lisa Dalton, parent of a senior at the University of Oregon, and sophomore at Washington State University CMC Note: There are alternatives to “studying” abroad, including service projects that many universities arrange, as well. _______________________ If you are in the midst of college tours with your high school senior, or you have a student…
College Tuition: Is a Private University Always More Expensive than Public?
According to the Wall Street Journal and the College Board, public university tuition is rising faster than private universities around the nation. “In-state residents at four-year public schools, tuition and fees are up 25.1% from the 2008-09 academic year; over the same time period, tuition and fees at private universities rose 13.2%.” While public universities…
Advice for Parents: Thinking about Alternatives to College
The expectation of college, as the next step after high school, is a lifetime of effort. To stop and consider an alternative is complicated. Julie Nguyen, CMC’s CFO & Managing Partner, knows the complexities of choosing options other than college. She offers the following podcast of advice for parents:
College Rankings: What Are They Worth?
College rankings and lists are not lacking–Forbes, US News & World Report, Washington Monthly, Newsweek–just to name a few. And, for families already wondering about a kid’s chances of college acceptance, after 12 years of thinking and re-thinking every class, homework assignment and academic opportunity, not to mention the hours spent at sports practices, dance…
The Cross Between Science & the Creative Arts
What says that science and creative arts are opposing intellectual pursuits? Watch the following for new ideas: From Harvard Medical School
To Cheat: Not A Simple Decision
To Cheat: to deprive of something valuable by the use; to practice fraud or trickery of deceit or fraud ( If deprive means to withhold, what is missed in the end by both the withholder and others? What possibilities could have been realized or ideas built? In a student’s mind, what is the value that comes…
Thinking Outside the Box to Pay for College
What are you willing to risk to pay for college? Would you seriously consider these alternative methods of paying for college? If it sounds too good to be true, definitely take a second (or a third) look. From the Wall Street Journal, 7/31/2012
Location, Location, Location: Keystone to College Selection
To tour or not to tour? What activities should be arranged when visiting colleges and new cities? These questions and more are answered by Art Baird & Julie Nguyen, Creative Marbles CEO & CFO respectively, in the following podcast, after their return from visiting Chicago area universities. For more information, listen to our previous podcast.
Who’s Responsible for College Bills?
Why do parents expect to pay the entire bill for college? Often, parents tell us that they want their kids to apply for scholarships and are frustrated, if that doesn’t happen. Yet, they’ll move forward with paying for college. Is it a parents’ responsibility to ensure the bills are paid for college, without at least…
Guest Post: Parent to Parent Advice about College Applications
Norman’s daughter will be starting her Freshman year at the University of Washington in Fall 2012. He offers the following perspective, having just completing the college application process: _________________________ Applying for college is an exciting time for every family. It represents all the hopes and dreams that your student has had since he or she…
UC Tuition and Fees: Up, Up and Away
Anyone involved in the University of California over the past thirty years knows one thing for sure: The tuition and fees for the UC has gone in one direction–UP.
You Can Dish It. Can You Take It?
Opening up to outside review of one’s work, including college essays, can create a wincing-eyes-jaw-clenching-fidgeting reaction to the surely unfounded criticism anticipated to be unleashed. While the ultimate reward of such perspective can be a sharper argument and greater understanding, the human tendency to prevent humiliation can get the best of us. (Incidentally, as humans…