Select-ting College Not Being Select-ted

The typical understanding of the college admissons process is backwards. Many families approach the college admissions process as “How can I help my kid be worthy of being select-ted?”—a misguided understanding at best and moreso an anxiety-provoking, potentially moral-compromising “Arms Race“-like reality for too many families. Yet, the college admissions process is ultimately a process…

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Advice From One Transfer Admissions Student to Another

Transferring from one college to another is disruptive: moving to a new city, leaving the family home for possibly the first time, establishing new friend networks in a new place. Being 19-20 years old and taking more specialized, upper division courses, typically, transfer students are seeking other older students, but often worry about breaking into…

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Virtual College Marketplace

Each Spring Break, families pilgrimage to colleges, promoting the potential rewards if students continue achieving, reifying the belief that a college degree equals long term prosperity.  However, we’re still living through a pandemic, with some experts fearing another outbreak fueled by variants of the original COVID virus, could emerge at the end of March, coinciding…

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A College Education May Include More Than You Think

“A college education” can simultaneously help teenagers transition to adulthood, prepare for a career, as well as gain academic knowledge. When researching colleges, finding information related to all three aspects of a college education can help families choose the most fitting college in the end. A campus academic environment can be compared with the culture…

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Guest Post: Don’t Overlook The Food

About the author: Rohan graduated with a full International Baccalaureate Diploma in 2012.  He moved from Northern California to Ohio for college at Case Western Reserve University.  He’s currently majoring in Biomedical Engineering and plans to attend medical school.  So, in the following post where he discusses what to eat, take his words to heart.  Studying…

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Finding A College Can Feel Like Searching for a Needle in the Haystack

But, in reality, the student is the needle.  No, that’s not some obscure Master-Yoda-Jedi-training-mind-trick.  What it means is that the more that college bound student, knows about himself/herself  (i.e. interests, vision, goals–career and otherwise), then the narrower the field of possible colleges for both application and enrollment becomes.  Plus, the six figure price tag of…

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