Image of a Teacher

Learn HOW to Learn: The Legacy of Mr. Coombs

At this time of the school year–after first semester grades and well-into the next semester–I receive increased requests for tutor referrals.  Parents and students naturally assume that a less than expected grade in a class is due to content deficit–that somehow the student just “isn’t getting it”; “it” being the ideas and concepts presented in…

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What the what?!? Pick A College Based on Surfing?

There’s a myriad of ways to select colleges for application.  Major choice and future careers usually pop into both students’ and their parents’ minds as the first criteria for choosing a college.  However, many get stumped, because at seventeen a student may not have identified a specific academic concentration, nor an intended career.  And, parents…

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“Talk With Your Teacher”: Not Always a Simple Task

“Talk with your teacher” is usually advice that parents give to their high school aged student when an academic issue arises.  Teens can typically have the following reactions to their parents’ suggestion: they silently agree, then don’t actually talk with the teacher or they protest, with reasons about the teacher not liking them or being…

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Sleep, More Sleep and Summer Camp: A Teen’s Summer Vacation Agenda

The months long stretch of unscheduled summer vacation can be enticing to both teens and their parents.  For teens, the idea of sleeping in until afternoon and no pressure about daily homework assignments is enthralling.  For parents, summer can be an unrestricted time to explore other academic interests and hobbies.  (And, in fairness, for teens…

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Do You Wonder if College Admissions Offices are Single-Handedly Keeping the U.S. Postal Service In Business?

Availability of information is not the problem when starting a search for colleges.  The sources of information–admissions statistics, YouTube, college websites, college search engines, Facebook pages, parents swapping stories on the sidelines at the soccer game, alumni returning to high schools to talk about their college experience, aunties and uncles freely offering college advice at…

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How to Reduce the “Yuck” in Preparing for the SAT & ACT

The SAT and ACT are unlike tests students see in high school.  First, teenagers will need to be awake at 7:45 am on a Saturday morning, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, knowing the score will play a role (although how large is unknown) in determining their competitiveness for admissions to colleges of their choice.  Second, teenagers…

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