How to Prepare for Potential School Closures Related to COVID-19

As novel COVID-19, coronavirus, continues evolving, parents and children can become more anxious about their health and well-being, as well as how their education may be affected, especially when U.S. Health Officials are suggesting possibly closing schools to stem the spread of COVID-19 in areas where the virus may become endemic.   This past week,…

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Selecting a College vs. Being Selected by a College

Worries about “not being accepted” to a college are common, since most parents and students believe they’re at the mercy of an admissions officer’s decision. Often, students think, “How do I make my experience, like GPA, test scores and extracurricular activities, match the “right” selection criteria of (insert name of college)?” Few students turn the…

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Advanced Placement Exam Registration Changes for 2019-20

The College Board, which administers Advanced Placement (AP) exams, will require students to register for May 2020 AP exams in November 2019. Alternatively, if students decide to register for the May 2020 exams after the November registration period closes, they’ll pay an additional $40.00 late fee.  Conversely, if students decide not to take the May…

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Guest Post: Inside the mind of your average high school senior post-applications

By Sanika, an anxious yet sentimental senior from the Class of 2019 Post application period is a very odd, stressful and overall confusing time. As you hear your friends get acceptances into top IVY’s or UC’s  while you on the other hand hear literally nothing from schools, it’s hard to not feel [unmotivated]. But, there’s…

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The Unveiling of the Educational Meritocracy

As the saying goes, “For every system, there is a counter system.” And, the recent Federal indictments of 50 individuals only becomes the latest example of an educational counter-system. College coaches, athletic department administrators, parents, and Rick Singer, the independent college admissions consultant, collectively found a way around the admissions office, the “front door” of…

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The Latest Iteration of Innovation for the High School Junior

Not every 16 year old (an American equivalent of a high school junior), both internationally and in the United States, has the same college planning needs.  So, at Creative Marbles, we offer three different levels of support to assist families who are seeking individualized college admissions plans, in the year before most students submit undergraduate…

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