Denied?!? WHAT THE WHAT?!!!?

The email inbox for a college applicant at this time of March can be an emotional minefield.  Each “ding” alerting the Senior to a newly received message can create a heart-pounding, nervous-butterflies-in-the-stomach-hand-quivering-as-you-click-the-mouse-on-the-bolded-new-message-from-such-and-such-college, frantically searching the opening text for, “Congratulations!” and instead seeing, “With a record number of applications, we regret we were unable to admit you…

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“Talk With Your Teacher”: Not Always a Simple Task

“Talk with your teacher” is usually advice that parents give to their high school aged student when an academic issue arises.  Teens can typically have the following reactions to their parents’ suggestion: they silently agree, then don’t actually talk with the teacher or they protest, with reasons about the teacher not liking them or being…

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Guest Post: A Parents’ Perspective Times Two

About the Authors: Anne’s & Dan’s two daughters both moved away from home this fall to start college–one as an upper division transfer at University of San Francisco and one as a freshman at Baylor University.  Their experience helping both daughters’ pay college expenses was featured, along with Creative Marbles, in the October issue of Comstocks…

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“ARRRRGH! Why is High School So Stressful?!?”

The worry that comes with trying to understand how actions today will affect one’s unknown future can create stress for anyone.  Now, add that one is 15, 16 or 17–with limited life experience–trying to predict their future based on their academic performance on one class assignment today, and there’s even further cause creating stress.  …

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