Often students earn college degrees to increase their likelihood of future financial stability. Yet, as college costs are rising, students and their parents subsequently are borrowing more to earn said degree, thus students “spend” the equivalent of a few years’ of post-graduation wages while parents may delay retirement, the question is, “Is college worth the…
Tag: Parents
The Unveiling of the Educational Meritocracy
As the saying goes, “For every system, there is a counter system.” And, the recent Federal indictments of 50 individuals only becomes the latest example of an educational counter-system. College coaches, athletic department administrators, parents, and Rick Singer, the independent college admissions consultant, collectively found a way around the admissions office, the “front door” of…
Senioritis Defined: When is school going to be over??!!!
From Sidney, a Class of 2019 Senior, over a series of text messages: Yep, I’m Squidward banging on the window on when school is over. And, Patrick is my [AP] teachers speaking to the class. In a monotone voice that makes all the seniors bored and sleepy. Also, Squidward is the representation of how seniors…
Grade Inflation Exposed
I often listen to students’ and parents’ worries about high school grades that are any other letter but an A. The A grade has become synonymous with “smart”, “the key to college acceptances” and “bragging rights”. But, in the quest to “achieve”, often the confidence in knowing oneself and one’s strengths, so as to boldly…
Senior Year Warnings
“When reward is at its pinnacle, risk is near at hand.” – John Bogle, legendary investor and founder of the Vanguard Group Although written for investors, John Bogle’s sage advice is apropos for the next stage of The College Admissions Process during the senior year. Being exhausted from drafting college essays in order to…
ARGGHHH…#$%@^ Sickness
The days of Calvin-esque thinking are gone. Now, to miss school and recover from illness is more trouble than worthwhile. Missing assignments means hours of make-up work on top of already multi-hour nightly homework sessions, and missing tests is a complex, logistical hassle to coordinate already busy teacher’s, kid’s and parent’s carpool schedules to find time…
Ever Wonder Why The Dollars in Your Pocket Are Less?
Wonder no longer…
Preparing for Your First College Admissions Interview
Going to your first college admissions interview can be pretty nerve-wracking if you don’t know what know expect. In the following podcast, admissions interview veteran, David Alcalay, shares his first college admissions interview experience, and some tips on how to prepare:
The Perils of Scholarships
To many parents, winning scholarships both rewards academic excellence and various leadership achievements, while subsidizing the total costs of college. Even though many high school seniors also desire the benefits of scholarships, many scholarships remain un-awarded. Understanding the timing of scholarship deadlines may explain why action doesn’t follow good intentions.
From Reluctance, Blossoms an Impassioned Papa
All of the things I thought I would become, a father was never one. My marriage having failed in my early thirties, only helped to solidify the idea that fatherhood was for everyone else, but me. The last thing the world needed was for me to be in a position of influencing a member of…
The Human Element of Learning
In the relationship between the student and the teacher, when the personalities are in sync, then you know it. A conflict–temporary or more on-going–can skew learning and create longer lasting consequences than just the school year. Understanding any conflict, objectively, takes some effort on the teenager’s, parent’s and teacher’s parts. What’s a general complaint?…
College Selection and Financial Aid in the Era of Rising College Tuition: Part One
This is the first in a series of Podcasts dedicated to the complex topic of financial aid as it relates to college selection, with its focus on seeking the greatest return on one’s investment in a college education during an era of rising college costs. We hope you enjoy our thoughts and as always, feel…
En Garde! Writers’ Block Be Damned
For many students, ’tis the season for writing – writing in school – and for those fully engaged in the college admissions process, the writing seems to be without end. Not all required writing is purposeful, hence the tedious nature of it. Writing the required essays on the college applications, though, is for many, the…
Thomas Jefferson for the Twenty-First Century American
Many years ago, in my role as a high school teacher of U.S. Government, I had the unique opportunity that allowed me to experiment–teach one and only one concept, one document to one group of kids for the entire school year. We studied the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson–attempting to understand and apply…