And, The Oops! Award for Fall 2016 College Admissions Goes To…

….University of California Santa Cruz! We’ve all “clicked prematurely”, but on Wednesday, March 15, 2016, the Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC regional admissions officer for UC Santa Cruz sent 4000 “Congratulations on your admissions to UC Santa Cruz!” emails to students who hadn’t even applied. At least this application season (knock on wood), only UC Santa…

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Prudent Fiscal Planning (Part 3):You can’t always get what you want

In the third part of my ongoing series on Prudent Fiscal Planning, let’s discuss the often bugaboo topic of expenses. After following the suggestions from the last article in the series,  you should now have drafted at least your income scenarios for the short, immediate, and long term. Now, you are ready to look at the other…

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