Tag: University of California (UC)
Where the Young Live
The following graph shows the top American cities with growing populations of young adults and recent college graduates – indicating growing jobs and features attractive to today’s generations. As cities gain popularity, college applicants may be wise to research the location in order to determine the potential job opportunities and quality of life for after…
September 2014 ACT Scores Available Online
September 13, 2014 ACT test scores are now available online. The mailed copies of test scores will arrive in the next 2-4 weeks. Often, the online score report is missing the Combined English/Writing section score, as ACT readers are still evaluating the essays. Fear not: the Combined English/Writing score will be posted online within the…
College Tuition Up 1225% Since 1978
As has been previously discussed, college tuition is increasing annually, and shows few signs of abating; however, at some point college education will be subject to the law of supply and demand. As demand for college education continues growing – seen in each year’s record numbers of applicants, with total student debt growing beyond the record breaking $1.2 Trillion mark…
Ahead of the Curve: August 9, 2014
Inspired by CMC Clients: OMG College ESSAYS! College essays are often feared. Topic selection can confound students, who’re under the impression that a traumatic-dramatic-life-altering experience makes a compelling college essay. However, choosing the “perfect” topic is not necessary to begin writing. Simply start putting words on the page. Then, students will have some thoughts to edit and…
The Bill Always Comes Due
An unprecedented $1.2 trillion in student debt has grown exponentially in the last several generations, showing few signs of abating. In less than one generation, college graduates have tripled their debt burden. According to the Wall Street Journal, over 70% of the Class of 2014 will graduate college with an average of $33,000 in student…
Top 10 Questions NOT to Ask a High School Senior
Where are you applying to college? You must be excited to graduate high school, aren’t you? Isn’t senior year the best time of your life? What is your GPA? What are your SAT scores? Why do you want to apply there? (referring to a particular college) My son/daughter/nephew/co-worker’s daughter’s boyfriend’s cousin went to _____ (fill-in-the-blank…
Sometimes You Gotta Go Slow to Go Fast
Parents are often afraid that summer vacation will render their children’s minds into mush. Plus, the indulgence in what can be considered mindless activities, like playing video games, for hours on end is a seeming threat to a kid’s long term college admissions competitiveness. Realistically, most students brains, nor their chances for college admissions, were…
A $60 Trillion Inheritance…in Debt
Wishing a better life for our children is normal. Actually setting aside our personal wants in favor of our children is more complicated in practice. The next generation will inherit a record $60 Trillion in total U.S. debt—government debt, business debt, mortgage debt and consumer debt. (See chart below) Furthermore, the growth of student loan…
Stamina, Attitude and Tranquility: Essential SAT & ACT Skills
At approximately 4 hours of testing time, the SAT and ACT measure the endurance of a student, as much as their knowledge and ability to reason. Test taking skills can help students access their knowledge during the long testing period, and pace themselves appropriately. Padma, CMC’s resident 8 year old Renaissance Man, shares the following test…
How Major is a College Major?
Choosing a college major is not the fork-in-the-road life moment, where the only consequences are becoming the next Steve Jobs or complete destitution. Many will equate “deciding a major” with “deciding a career.” However, major choice doesn’t always match exactly with careers. Ask any college graduate if their career directly correlates with their academic major. …
Economic Recovery?
Even though the news may be promoting economic recovery, a recent UCLA study showing that middle aged parents aged 50 to 64 are moving back into their elderly parents home with kids in tow for financial reasons – may support a competing meme that shows our current financial state isn’t so rosy. To further add…
Colleges Without Makeup, The Supplement
Social media can give information about the culture of a college campus – beyond the smiling, shorts-clad undergraduates playing Frisbee on the ubiquitous green quad. Of course, any effective search starts with what a student wants in their own college experience, making some self-reflection a priority. About the University of Chicago – from @UofC_Overheard: Theory…
Guest Post: Colleges Without Make-Up
About the author: I’m Kerina, a high school senior interning at Creative Marbles. I’ve lived to tell the tale of having completed the college application process. After all the acceptances rolled in, I was faced with the daunting task of having to choose only one college. I can now happily say that I am committed…
The Value vs. The Cost of the University of California
Recently, Janet Napolitano, current UC President, explained her view of the 190% tuition increase over the last decade, and how the UC system is trying to address cost issues for family: Until about seven or eight years ago, the state paid [more] and the university [through tuition] less. Now the percentages have almost totally flipped, so…