In Spring, Seniors can experience “Senioritis”, needing more effort to complete everyday homework, while coping with anxiety of waiting for college responses. In some cases, such a lack of motivation can lead to strategic missteps, from which the consequences can be destructive, especially for college admissions. All college acceptances are conditional or provisional. Often, one…
Tag: University of California (UC)
How Many Years of Language Other Than English (LOTE) Should I Take?
Students generally need to study two years of the same Language Other Than English (LOTE) in order to meet minimum college admissions eligibility standards. (The caveat is some colleges, like MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, do not require LOTE courses for admissions eligibility.) So, families should check eligibility requirements for first year admissions at a…
Tips for Researching Colleges Whether Virtual or In Person
With self-reflection in conjunction with thorough research of each college, families can conscientiously select a campus where a student is most likely to discover even more about their aptitude as well as fits the budget of the family, reducing the risk of malinvestment. First, students should reflect on their ideal college experience, both socially and academically,…
Should I Take the SAT or ACT for Fall 2024 Admissions?
In the seeming neverending quest for college admissions, Juniors (and parents) fret over taking or not taking the SAT or ACT, wondering if the test score (or absence of) will be a strategic blunder, as in the reason for being denied admissions. However, with guidance, students and their families can reason a choice without reducing…
Advice for Completing the University of California Activities & Awards Section
For those of you applying to the University of California (UC), completing the Activities & Awards section can require several hours of brainstorming, drafting and editing, over multiple drafts. Thus, many teens will postpone drafting the detailed descriptions or conversely they may focus on drafting the descriptions, postponing their essay writing. To balance the work…
Do’s & Don’ts of Answering UC Personal Insight Question #7
Serving others, suppressing our innate self-centered human tendency, can be a valuable lesson in generosity, the equanimity of humanity, and even in reverse, a confidence in oneself as a valuable member of society. In the race for the most elite college admissions, often many students have added (or been compelled by assignment and the chase…
The Patience of a Writer
Teenagers must write their autobiography as a requirement for college applications, which is a complicated task. Writing one’s life story requires reflecting on intricate, existential questions, like “Who am I?” and “What’s my purpose in life?” And, most teens quickly recognize they have little self-awareness, just the first in a series of writer’s blocks. However,…
Metaphorically Speaking
Teenagers are often inexperienced in self-reflection, thus lacking awareness about the meaning of their young lives, as well as confidence to assert what they do know about themselves. Thus, in college essays, many obscure awareness in metaphor, which not only exposes their lack of confidence, but also forces the admissions evaluator to infer (at best),…
Reason #450,897,354 Why Writing College Essays Is Complicated
Every year, especially in mid-October, college and transfer applicants share some version of the following: “I can’t get all my thoughts to focus on one idea.” “I’ve written several different paragraphs, but they don’t connect with each other.” “I have too much to say, how can I incorporate every idea into one essay?!?” Students often…
Fall 2022 PSAT Information
The annual Fall 2022 PSAT is scheduled for either Wednesday, October 12, 2022, or Saturday, October 15, 2022. Taking the PSAT is an opportunity for all high school students to practice for SAT’s or ACT’s (should they seek to take tests for their college applications given widespread test-optional policies), as well as a qualifying exam…
Living With College Roommates
Many first year college students are sharing a room with another person for the first time, as well as deliberately establishing their own living space. While intellectually, many understand that they’ll need to find common ground with their new roommates, many are underprepared for the work of negotiating ground rules. One, now second year college…
Stop Guessing About Test Optional Admissions
With continued, widespread test optional admissions policies, where students are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their college applications, inevitably, students, under the misconception that an acceptance letter is THE objective of college admissions, worry about unwittingly harming their admissions evaluation by either adding or excluding test scores from their…
Mr. Kipling’s Advice for College Applicants
Prior to the senior year of high school or transfer admissions, students simply matriculate in a pack, taking the same classes, striving for the same grades, clustering in similar out-of-school enrichment activities. Yet, at the moment of applying to college, students need to make their own decision—relate the process, to what Mr. Kipling shares the…
College Selection: Making College Admissions a Game, a Common Mistake
Selection is defined as “serious attention and vigilant consideration”. Therefore the effective selection of colleges is essential to reduce risks of mis-allocating $150,000 to $200,000. Yet, parents and teens compromise their ability to reason, as they’re often also attempting to counter emotion and expectation, with misconceptions when seeking value in college, only adding complexity to…
Why Advice for Parents of Kindergarteners Also Helps Parents of New College Students
Parents of college students experience the bittersweet rewards of a job well-done, their “babies” are capable of caring for themselves, but doing so without seemingly “needing” a parent. So, a Kindergarten’s teacher’s advice can be helpful: ….they [one’s kid] will probably have a hard time separating from you. It’s normal, and it may last a…