For those applying to Yale for Fall 2022, Whether to Use the Coalition or Common Application Is Up to You

Fall 2022 Coalition Application applicants to Yale have the opportunity to submit a “Digital Upload”—an audio file, video, image, or document the student produced along with a short written description of the creation. However, Common Application applicants do not have a similar “Digital Upload” option. 

Curious if the difference in the information submitted between the two applications may affect admissions evaluations, I contacted Yale admissions, using the “General Questions about First Year Admissions” form: 

Can students who submit the Common Application submit a “digital upload” in their applicant portals, after submitting their application, so there’s parity with students who apply using the Coalition Application?

On August 19, 2021, Associate Director of Admissions Keith Light responded by email: 

The essential elements of the Common Application and Coalition Application from an admissions perspective are the same, even with the digital option included in the latter.  We’ve just given students a choice about which application format feels most comfortable to candidates.

[bolded emphasis added by Creative Marbles]

In essence, Mr. Light reassures students that Common Application and Coalition Application applicants will be evaluated equally

Furthermore, Mr. Light elaborated:

Students who choose the Common App are able to submit supplementary materials electronically, and commonly do—particularly samples of music, visual arts, etc.  There’s also a general “update” option that allows students to send additional information.  

[bolded emphasis added by Creative Marbles]

Mr. Light highlighted the option to submit supplemental materials as asked in the Yale-specific Common Application questions: 

From The Common Application

Additionally, Mr. Light also reminds applicants about the post-submission “update” option, where Common Application applicants can submit their own version of a “Digital Upload” through their applicant portal if they choose. [Note: Coalition Application applicants can likewise submit “updates” post-submission.]

In closing his message, Mr. Light restated assurances about the equanimity in evaluation between Coalition Application and Common Application applicants, stating: 

So, while I’ve never thought about the two application platforms in terms of “parity,” I can tell you that we are equally comfortable in considering applications submitted in either format.

[bolded emphasis added by Creative Marbles]

Thus, since Fall 2022 Yale applicants can choose between the Coalition Application or Common Application, they would be prudent to consider the totality of their experience, then review each application’s format, so they can best convey their qualifications and talents. 

For nearly twenty years, Jill and the Creative Marbles team have assisted thousands of teenagers in drafting their college essays—and stand at the ready to advise any family and student, anywhere around the world. Contact Jill for more details.

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About Jill Yoshikawa, Ed M, Partner of Creative Marbles Consultancy

Jill Yoshikawa, EdM, Harvard ’99, a seasoned, 25 year educator and consultant, is meticulous in helping clients navigate all aspects of the educational experience, no matter the level of complexity. She combines educational theory with experience to advise families, schools and educators. A UCSD and Harvard graduate, as well as a former high school teacher, Jill works tirelessly to help her clients succeed.
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