Make Money from Doing Your Homework

“Hands on learning”–somehow these eduspeak words have invaded Seniors’ vocabulary to describe the classroom environment they desire in college. (Incidentally, their next sentence usually includes something to the effect, “You know, the opposite of high school.”) Well, how about taking “hands on learning” to another level and actually making money with the knowledge one gains…

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“A Spoonful of Hope Makes Move In Day Go Down…”

“The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved.” -Lewis Mumford Easy words to read; difficult words to carry out in practice.  Parents all over the country are preparing for their offspring moves to colleges and residence halls.  Roommate assignments are arriving.  Shopping trips for new bedspreads, stacking crates, power strips, and…

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Grades Don’t Only Measure Learning

Grades are a complex mix of a student’s performance meeting the teacher’s grading standards, managing assignments so they’re completed & returned to the teacher on time, AS WELL AS actually learning the concepts in class.  Too often, the last part–the learning & understanding–is the only part that consumes students’, teachers’ and parents’ efforts, when a…

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21st Century Learning in a Globally Connected “Classroom”

Computer technology and the internet is just the latest tool for education and learning.  The printing press and cheap, mass produced paper spread learning to the masses.  The accessibility of the Bible spurred the need to be literate to read, which in turn began disbursing the Church’s power and let more people begin thinking critically…

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The Soul Connection

Too often its easy to think, “I can’t…I’m not an expert.”    Collaboration, however, relies on all-comers.    The energy created when everyone is sharing their talents, exposing their weaknesses and openly working together is ripe with potential, of which the consequences are unknown and possibly lasting beyond the group’s time together. “One short week, we put…

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“No Student Loans”: Is that possible?

Don’t want to borrow for college expenses?   Some universities across the U.S. are implementing financial aid policies, where no (or limited amounts) of loans will be offered in the financial aid award letter. Knowing the financial aid policy of colleges–before applying–can help a family have dollar amounts to determine the value of a college, given…

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Study Abroad: Necessity or Privilege?

Study abroad isn’t simply an opportunity to travel and live in another country.  The immersion in a second (or third) culture and/or language can change a person’s views, values, and confidence–as the individual is literally transplanting themselves in a foreign location and learning to thrive.   Is study abroad or some international experience becoming necessary to…

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