Move-in day is looming for soon-to-be college freshmen all over the country. What to pack, what to leave at home, saying good-bye to close friends, concerns about an unknown roommate(s), signing up for the “right” classes at a brand-new school, and moving out of a childhood home can make for a bittersweet time. On the…
Category: Education
Paying for Childhood: Average Cost of Raising Children
Wondering how your parents were able to raise multiple kids (and none of you felt deprived) on a single income back in the day? A new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates families with children born in 2012 will spend an average of $241,080 in the next 18 years to raise their offspring–NOT…
Social Media & College Life
Anonymous Facebook pages, known as “Confessions” pages are allowing college students to post whatever they want about their campus life–unedited–which can be both cathartic and mean-spirited, stoking fears about cyber-bullying. After a quick survey (very quick), the pages read like old fashioned bathroom stall graffiti–only forever preserved in bits and pixels. Like bathroom stall graffti,…
“But, I’ll Be Bragging…” And Other Perils of Writing College Essays
Mention the words “college essays” to any soon-to-be high school Senior, and watch their faces contort. Although expected, the autobiographical college essay that’s included in college applications can provoke a unique stress, as few 17 year olds are: A) used to promoting their qualities and qualities, and B), has thought in detail about big questions,…
Guest Post: Life at A Large Public University…Reality vs. Myth
In contrast to a university with a small student population, which another former Creative Marbles client shared in a guest post last spring, life at a large, public, flagship university brings its own benefits and disadvantages. Sasha and Suzanna, two more past Creative Marbles Consultancy clients, now rising college juniors, share their experiences at…
Location, Location, Location: More Tips for Choosing Colleges
College bound students are choosing a new home, as much as they are choosing a new school. Often, students we advise want to move to Southern California–one, because its further away from home (since we’re Northern California) than the San Francisco Bay Area, yet still in their home state, and two, for the beaches and temperate…
Finding A College Can Feel Like Searching for a Needle in the Haystack
But, in reality, the student is the needle. No, that’s not some obscure Master-Yoda-Jedi-training-mind-trick. What it means is that the more that college bound student, knows about himself/herself (i.e. interests, vision, goals–career and otherwise), then the narrower the field of possible colleges for both application and enrollment becomes. Plus, the six figure price tag of…
Student Loan Interest Rate Relief In Sight
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to lower Federal student loan interest rates to 3.9% from 6.8% for the upcoming 2013-14 school year–following the U.S. Senate’s passage of the same bill last week. The rate reduction would mean a savings of $944.44 in interest over the life of the loan, for first year college…
Choosing Extra-curricular Activities When There’s No Magic Formula for College Admissions
Unfortunately for college applicants, there is no magic, straightforward formula for earning an acceptance in the college admissions process. Since the evaluation for college admissions is completed by human beings, about other human beings, in an environment with yearly increasing numbers of applicants who excel and exceed the requirements for admissions, subjectivity in decision making…
1140% = Increase In College Tuition Since 1978
Another chart showing college tuition is increasing at a steepening rate: And is causing families to spend a greater portion of the family budget to pay for college expenses, thus making college “more expensive”: (If unable to view chart, click)
Paying For College Tuition
Student loans, grants and scholarships are replacing parent income and savings in paying for college. Source: Wall Street Journal
Letting Go: College Move In Day Approaches
For parents anxiously facing their soon-to-be-college freshman’s move away from home… ‘ Photo Credit: The New Yorker Magazine, August 2012
Summer = College Essay Writing?
For parents of rising Seniors, summer can seem like the ideal unstructured time to get a jump on college essays. For the average rising Seniors, maybe not so much. Take a listen to our podcast about how to combine summer vacation and college essay writing: For more information about college essay writing, see our previous…
College Tuition Set to Keep Rising with No Relief In Sight
Since 1980, college tuition has risen 945%, in comparison with inflation’s rise of 193% during that same period–meaning all purchases have increased in price, but college tuition has increased at a ratio of 9 to 1–based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems…
If You Need Your Appendix Removed, Go to Oklahoma
As seen in Zero Hedge: “What does an appendectomy cost?” College tuition isn’t the only cost that’s rising in the United States. Source: Goldman Sachs