Online applications appear simple. Just create an account. Login. Sit down and fill in all the needed information at one time. Click submit. Done. Nope. Each online application has its own technical quirks, and of course 8 point font sized directions, that only the rare teenager will take the time to read. So, if you…
Tag: College admissions
College Selection and Financial Aid in the Age of Rising College Tuition: Part Two
We continue our series on college selection and financial aid, by discussing the clash between the demand–and even right to attend college–and the dawning reality that rising tuitions (at a rate greater than inflation), alongside average student debt increasing at an unsustainable rate, are beginning to price some deserving candidates out of the college marketplace.…
College Applications: Beware of Hidden Obstacles
Stress and seniors. For us, at this time of year, the two words are synonymous. Senior teachers are marching forward with their curriculum and homework assignments, seemingly without regard for the time, effort and mental space required to focus on college applications, especially essays. Seniors, in their typical teenage wisdom, are continuing to attend EVERY…
Defining Claremont McKenna: Understanding the Supplement Essay Prompt
The Supplement questions of the Common Application are not only another opportunity for applicants to state WHY s/he is a strong candidate for admissions to ________ university, they reveal more about the college’s values and academic environment the student may join, eventually. As previously stated in earlier posts, competitive essays start with a thorough…
Financial Aid Reality Check (That Won’t Cost Your Checkbook)
We’re hearing from parents of seniors, who’re looking through their check registers and not seeing $30,000 to $60,000 available for next year’s college expenses, nor in their savings or investments. Actually, we’re hearing from parents of juniors, parents of sophomores, parents of freshmen and parents of pre-schoolers about the continued rise in costs and…
The Inside Scoop about the University of California Essay Prompt #1
126,000 single applications received by the University of California (UC) system for Fall 2012 Freshman admissions. That means at least 252,000 essays were written and included within those applications. (Mind you: These numbers are only for unduplicated applications, and DO NOT include that each application may have ben considered by multiple UC campuses.) …
Applying to College is Simple, NOT.
If submitting college applications and writing college essays were simply–1. fill in the boxes with name, address, phone number; 2. write a short description of one’s experience in an essay format; 3. click the submit button–I wouldn’t have a job. Here’s a few tips for working with the pressures of applying to college:
Unlocking the University of California Application Essay Prompt #2
The most effective communication model yet may be when all parties involved are actively participating. When clarifications are needed, it is naturally asked and answered as many times deemed necessary. Now best communication practices aside, what happens when person A, someone from someplace–an admissions officer–with his/her sum of experiences, is to read person B’s essay,…
En Garde! Writers’ Block Be Damned
For many students, ’tis the season for writing – writing in school – and for those fully engaged in the college admissions process, the writing seems to be without end. Not all required writing is purposeful, hence the tedious nature of it. Writing the required essays on the college applications, though, is for many, the…
Parents & The College Application
Ok. It’s true. The senior will be the one actually attending college. The senior will be the one ultimately writing and submitting her/his college applications. And, at the same time, seniors are qualified and competitive for college, as a result of working with their parents over the years. (Think: mom and dad’s taxi service…
English Teachers & The College Essay
At this point in the school year, many senior English teachers assign the college essay as a class assignment to be completed for a grade. While this may seemingly “kill two birds with one stone”, relieving parents concerns about their student’s seeming procrastination to start writing the essay and student’s thinking that “once and for…
Guest Post: A Parents’ Perspective Times Two
About the Authors: Anne’s & Dan’s two daughters both moved away from home this fall to start college–one as an upper division transfer at University of San Francisco and one as a freshman at Baylor University. Their experience helping both daughters’ pay college expenses was featured, along with Creative Marbles, in the October issue of Comstocks…
Online Grading Systems: Friend or Frenemy?
The typical public high school teacher is responsible for 160 students and teaches at least two different classes–e.g. AP English 11 and Honors English 9–with multiple sections of each course, for example: 3 periods of AP English 11. So, what does this have to do with an online grading system? If one assignment…
“My Student is Average. Where Can She/He Get In?”
First, “average” doesn’t mean “not admissible to any college, anywhere.” What is important for an “average” (and I use “average” loosely) student and their family is the college selection process–just as important as for EVERY student wanting to go to college. The selection process for the “average” student may include a different scrutiny of…
“OMG! I Have to Write a Common App Supplement Essay, Too?!? How?”
Essays can be one way for applicants to distinguish themselves and present their case for why s/he should be admitted. But, they require some effort. Often, the Common Application Supplements–which are a series of questions specific to the individual college submitting in addition to the general Common Application–provides the applicant the opportunity to tell more…