GUEST POST: A Mom’s Perspective on College Admissions Consultants

By Anne Ross, Ross Family CEO and Co-Entrepreneur Anne and her family first consulted Creative Marbles Consultancy in her daughter’s junior year. She graciously agreed to submit a guest post to share her insights to the college admissions process from a parent’s view. I was asked to give a parent’s perspective and first thought, “Wow,…

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Considering Universities as Idea Makers to Select Colleges

Research and exploring ideas aren’t usually at the top priority of a student or their parents in choosing a college.   “Getting a good job” or “moving away from home” are more common criteria for choosing colleges.  However, universities are incubators for new knowledge.  (Think: Google, which emerged from graduate work at Stanford )  Knowing the…

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Grade Inflation is present and its effects may be more damaging then you think

The Economist this past week spoke of the notion of panflation, or better said the inflation of everything. “This ‘panflation’ needs to be recognized for the plague it has become.” I couldn’t agree more. What caught my eye in the article was the authors discussion of grade inflation.  Grades have always been a tricky topic…

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