Selecting a College vs. Being Selected by a College

Worries about “not being accepted” to a college are common, since most parents and students believe they’re at the mercy of an admissions officer’s decision. Often, students think, “How do I make my experience, like GPA, test scores and extracurricular activities, match the “right” selection criteria of (insert name of college)?” Few students turn the…

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Many Thanks!

We appreciate all who’ve supported us at Creative Marbles Consultancy for the past seventeen years. We’ve never had an advertising budget, instead our consulting has grown to serve thousands of families across the United States, simply through word-of-mouth referrals from our clients and friends. Thank you for generosity and willingness to continue sharing us with…

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The Dilemma

Apparently some town founders in Pennsylvania we’re also parents of high school seniors or community college transfer students who are applying to college. 😆 While college applicants “Desire” to be admitted to the college of their choice and often the freedom of moving away from home, they can also “Panic” about the risk of not…

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Know Your Frenemies AKA Writing College Essays?

Every college, transfer and graduate school applicant is facing their own “mirror” as they brainstorm their life’s story to draft their college essays, which being autobiographical will be some of the toughest writing they’ve ever done. Being educated isn’t just about learning reading, writing and ‘rithmatic, but also understanding ourselves so we understand our life’s…

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Our Fervent Wish

…is that every high school senior and transfer college applicant and their parents temporarily develop multiple hands, whose swift fingers dance with the wind across the keyboard to craft brilliant essays well before the deadline. Deadline approaching. — Academia ɐɹnɔsqO (@AcademiaObscura) September 4, 2018