Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to be Empty?

About the Author: Both of Louise’s daughters worked with Creative Marbles Consultancy to navigate the college admissions process.  Emily is a third year student at Cornell University and Kate is a second year student at University of California, Berkeley.  Louise graciously shares her experiences about the transitions as both daughters moved away for college.   Before…

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The Chronicles of Procrastination

Bravado When first given an assignment, especially a project due beyond the end of the week, we’re often overly confident that we’ll complete the assignment in stages, so there won’t be a last-minute-panic-tear-streaked-temper-tantrum-tazmanian-devil-whirling-dervish kind of effort in the 24 hours before the deadline. We pridefully chalk up previous “all-nighters”, as “all in the past”, determined…

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Sometimes You Gotta Go Slow to Go Fast

Parents are often afraid that summer vacation will render their children’s minds into mush. Plus, the indulgence in what can be considered mindless activities, like playing video games, for hours on end is a seeming threat to a kid’s long term college admissions competitiveness. Realistically, most students brains, nor their chances for college admissions, were…

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