College: Path to Adulthood?

“We treat our kids like adults when they’re children, and we infantilize them when they’re 18 years old.”  –Jean Twenge (The Atlantic, July/August 2011) We routinely hear parents share concerns as their grown children are preparing to leave for college that laundry and food and budgeting–basics of managing life–won’t be done, nor learned.  (Rarely, do…

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Student Debt = Future Income Spent Today

Know the terms (i.e. repayment, interest rates) and possible consequences of taking student loans for college–essentially bringing future income into the present. (FYI: colleges are not obligated to disclose the terms of the loan BEFORE accepting them as part of a student aid package.  Students MUST ASK.  Also, students are not forced to accept student…

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When a Letter of Recommendation Isn’t Just a Letter of Recommendation

Now, that school’s back in session (or about to be back in session), and the excitement of choosing colleges for application can be wearing thin (given that everyone who discovers or knows you’re a senior is asking where you’re applying), so what’s next?  Well, parents, since about July have been asking us about letters of…

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Guilt? I Didn’t See that On My College Bill

Without understanding the value of a college degree, students can sense, what they often term, “guilt.”  They may not confidently understand why their families, and increasingly themselves (in the form of student loans), are paying the thousands of dollars (and rising each year) that a college degree costs. Listen to the following podcast, featuring Julie…

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Guest Post: Study Abroad from a Parent’s Perspective

By: Lisa Dalton, parent of a senior at the University of Oregon, and sophomore at Washington State University CMC Note: There are alternatives to “studying” abroad, including service projects that many universities arrange, as well. _______________________ If you are in the midst of college tours with your high school senior, or you have a student…

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Everything can be re-imagined.  Our creativity is limitless in its natural state.  We only limit ourselves.  Education gives us tools and helps expose us to options.  After that, its our responsibility to build on those experiences to produce (or re-produce) something new. Here’s another “re-imagining” of a classic icon, Julia Child, who wrote that through…

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