Before Choosing Transfer Admissions…

The Community College Transfer option to a 4 Year College, while seeming to save money in the short term, can include other costs.   Currently, community colleges in California are challenged to service their students, given the budget reductions from the state.    At the same time demand is rising for space in California community colleges–300,000 students…

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You Can Dish It. Can You Take It?

Opening up to outside review of one’s work, including college essays, can create a wincing-eyes-jaw-clenching-fidgeting reaction to the surely unfounded criticism anticipated to be unleashed.  While the ultimate reward of such perspective can be a sharper argument and greater understanding, the human tendency to prevent humiliation can get the best of us.  (Incidentally, as humans…

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Guest Post: “I Changed My Major Five Times”: Advice from a Harvard College Dean

Emelyn dela Pena, Ed. D. is the Assistant Dean of Harvard College for Student Life, where she is responsible for campus diversity programs, student leadership development and residential life training.  She generously offers the following advice to Creative Marbles: As eager freshman and nervous parents arrive at college this fall, I’m sure on the minds…

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“A Spoonful of Hope Makes Move In Day Go Down…”

“The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved.” -Lewis Mumford Easy words to read; difficult words to carry out in practice.  Parents all over the country are preparing for their offspring moves to colleges and residence halls.  Roommate assignments are arriving.  Shopping trips for new bedspreads, stacking crates, power strips, and…

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21st Century Learning in a Globally Connected “Classroom”

Computer technology and the internet is just the latest tool for education and learning.  The printing press and cheap, mass produced paper spread learning to the masses.  The accessibility of the Bible spurred the need to be literate to read, which in turn began disbursing the Church’s power and let more people begin thinking critically…

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The Soul Connection

Too often its easy to think, “I can’t…I’m not an expert.”    Collaboration, however, relies on all-comers.    The energy created when everyone is sharing their talents, exposing their weaknesses and openly working together is ripe with potential, of which the consequences are unknown and possibly lasting beyond the group’s time together. “One short week, we put…

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“No Student Loans”: Is that possible?

Don’t want to borrow for college expenses?   Some universities across the U.S. are implementing financial aid policies, where no (or limited amounts) of loans will be offered in the financial aid award letter. Knowing the financial aid policy of colleges–before applying–can help a family have dollar amounts to determine the value of a college, given…

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