The number of Advanced Placement (AP) classes being offered and the rates of passing scores on the tests are increasingly being used as one criteria to rank high schools. (Washington Post, Newsweek) As parents become more savvy about the college admissions process, many know that the number of rigorous courses offered at a high school…
Tag: Parent
PTA in College?
Parents are “graduating” from 12 years of PTA/PTO/PTSA meetings, alongside their high school seniors, so joining a college’s Parent Association may be the last idea on their list of moving junior/juniorette out of the house. Plus, aren’t kids meant to be finally on their own in college? For the secret helicopter parent, a college parent…
A University for the Students?
Is college education a public good or a student-centered model for individual development or both?
Instant Civics Lesson–Memorial Day & California’s Tuesday Primary Election
Learning isn’t only in the classroom and for a grade. Life presents educational opportunities everyday. Tuesday’s Primary Election can spur conversations about citizenship. Why is there a Primary election? Why are voters electing delegates to the party primaries, not the Presidential candidate themselves? What’s a Proposition? Why are the voters deciding abut new expenses (i.e.…
Middle Class Families Concerned about Affording College
Real wages haven’t increased, at the same time as pension values are decreasing, state budgets uncertainties are reducing funding for public universities and children are maturing into college age. What a perfect confluence for many middle class families and contributing to nervousness that the lifelong dream of a college degree–demonstrated through multiple honors and Advanced…
Why Teens Don’t Always Apply for Scholarships
Shifts in the views of parents with children aged 16 or younger about when adulthood financial independence should begin coincides with parents concerns about paying for college. In Creative Marbles experience, parents expect to shoulder the majority of college costs, at the same time expecting children to contribute toward their education. However, the shift in…
Summer…To Break or Not or Both?
Summer break–two words that often have a different meaning for parents and for students. Parents are often concerned that their students will dive into sleeping through the day and video games, while ignoring summer reading. Students seeking to relax will meet a compromise with parents by participating in camps and leadership activities that flex…
College Tuition Rises and So Does Demand
As the University of California Regents debate a 6% tuition increase for Fall 2012, see how tuition has changed at California colleges, since 2001. (The database provides information for 2 and 4 year colleges, both public and private.) While students and their families are concerned about rising tuition and student debt is at $1 Trillion…
ACT & SAT Scores Can Affect Financial Aid, Too
Many families ask Creative Marbles about preparing for the ACT and/or SAT, as a way to boost a students’ competitiveness for admissions. There’s another reason to prepare. Merit aid scholarships can be awarded on a sliding scale, based on ACT & SAT scores and GPA–as scores and GPA increases, the amount of merit aid increases.…
On Commencing
Commencement…always seemed funny to call graduation commencement. I focused on the ending aspect, the-that-was-a-long-4-years-and-too-many-homework-assignments-thank-goodness-its-over aspect of graduation. In reality, graduation is both–a recognition of what’s been accomplished and a beginning of what’s next.
Guest Post: A Mom Shares Her Experience About “Mommyness”
By Kelly From about age 10 until my daughter was born, I collected sea shells exactly one time. During that shell collection, I carefully selected each piece for symmetry, size, lack of blemishes and uniformity. Upon returning home, I gingerly washed each shell and, once dry, I popped a dollop of hot glue into the…
Campus “Vibe” vs. Academics: Why College Selection Takes the Whole Family
College students aren’t just gaining an education and future career training, they’re moving to a new community. Parents often express concerns to Creative Marbles that their student is paying more attention to “atmosphere” or “how s/he feels on campus”–not “what do I want to study.” These differences in perspective can create conflict, and also are…
Why More Effort Alone May Not Improve Grades
As students head into the final weeks of the school year, last minute activity to “pull up” a grade is happening in every school. Asking teachers more specific questions, then, “What can I do to improve my grade?”, will help families and students get information that’s useful. Creative Marbles suggests the following tips:
The $1 Trillion Inheritance
The Student Debt total reached $1 Trillion today. What are the costs for future generations and its prosperity? Since student debt is future income brought forward, Creative Marbles suggests thinking carefully about career and major choices to know if a student would be able to afford the monthly loan payments. Also, students need to consider…
Graduated, Yet Still Not Grown Up?
Parents want what’s best for their children. Yet, what is the cost of “the best” for both parent and child? A recent Ameriprise Financial study found the following amongst Baby Boomer Parents (born between 1946-1964) 55% allowed their adult children to move home rent free 71% paid college tuition Yet, 34% say that helping children…