California ranks among the top five states in the nation for the greatest tuition increases in their public universities. (Wall Street Journal, 8/14/2012) Not only do current UC students face a possible additional 20% increase mid-school year, if the November tax increase does not pass, the budget reductions can mean more cuts to courses and support services on campus.
While unemployment rates for recent college graduates is currently at 6.8% and for recent high school graduates with no college is 24% (NPR, 8/15/2012), those numbers seem to point toward the value of college. Yet, with tuition in California up 98.3% from 5 years ago and more increases on the horizon, does the price justify the value? (Wall Street Journal, 8/14/2012) What are the under-employment rates for recent college grads? How many of the recent college grads are working in jobs directly related to their studies and training? Plus, are the greatest number of job openings for 4 year college graduates? Jim Aschwanden, president of the California Agricultural Teachers’ Association, recently quoted in Comstock’s, stated:
Find me the kid who can use tools…I don’t need computer nerd to run my ag operation; I need a mechanic. And, you know what? Those are the people I can’t find right now. (August 2012)
A deeper look at the statistics and alternatives will help families and prospective (even continuing) college students determine the value of a college degree.
See previous posts about public vs. private college tuition
Jill Yoshikawa combines educational theory with practical advice, so families, schools and educators can continuously improve their work teaching the next generation. You can contact Jill at [email protected].