Advice from Louise, who’s two daughters are in their second and third years of college at University of California Berkeley and Cornell University, respectively, for parents with anxieties about their Senior-in-high-school-children, who are soon to leave their childhood homes. Nerves can be heightened at this time of year, as the final college applications are being…
Tag: Academics
On Being Sick
As we enter the winter season, this year’s class of bacteria and viruses will be waiting to greet students with open arms. While no one intends to be sick, sickness is an inevitable part of life. Yet, once sick, students resist taking time to rest, so as to “not fall behind.” Sickness is disruptive, forcing…
Guest Post: Is My Nest Going to be Empty?
About the Author: Both of Louise’s daughters worked with Creative Marbles Consultancy to navigate the college admissions process. Emily is a third year student at Cornell University and Kate is a second year student at University of California, Berkeley. Louise graciously shares her experiences about the transitions as both daughters moved away for college. Before…
Simple Tips For Learning
If you’re the new kid in school, smile often. If you’re not the new kid in school, invite the new kid to sit with you at lunch. Park in the furthest parking spot away from campus. A little sunshine can be just what’s needed to rejuvenate the grey matter. Say “hello” to your teachers daily. Don’t be…
To Learn Is..
To know yourself, in order to not be overly edited by others. Photo credit: unknown
Guest Post: So You’re Gonna Be A College Freshman
About the author: Allie is starting her senior year at University of Arizona, which she selected after an intensive search for colleges in the Western U.S. with speech therapy and audiology programs. She graciously agreed to allow Creative Marbles to repost the following from her blog. This summer I worked at the College of Admissions at…
Summer Is Not a Time For Slacking Off or Is It?
Parents often wonder how kids can use summers to stay competitive for college admissions, and at the very least, not lose all their academic knowledge from the previous school year. On the other hand, kids are planning how late into the afternoon they’ll be able to sleep, how many Call of Duty levels they’ll be…
The Chronicles of Procrastination
Bravado When first given an assignment, especially a project due beyond the end of the week, we’re often overly confident that we’ll complete the assignment in stages, so there won’t be a last-minute-panic-tear-streaked-temper-tantrum-tazmanian-devil-whirling-dervish kind of effort in the 24 hours before the deadline. We pridefully chalk up previous “all-nighters”, as “all in the past”, determined…
Gotta Read ‘Em All
Let the summer reading games begin! In this corner, Whatever Novel that your kid does NOT want to read, but is required to read for Class X! In this corner, Kid + Team Distraction—Instagram, YouTube, XBOX, Hulu, Sleeping In…you get the picture. Additionally, parents may wonder if summer reading is a cruel revenge fantasy of…
Guest Post: “The School Part of School”
About the author: Rohan graduated with a full International Baccalaureate Diploma in 2012. He moved from Northern California to the Midwest for college at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. He’s currently majoring in Biomedical Engineering and plans to attend medical school. The academic requirements for both engineering and pre-medicine can be demanding. Rohan’s previous…
Parenting Is Neither Simple Nor Straightforward
As if there needs to be more evidence of the complicated relationship between parent and child, the October 2013 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll results stated that 55% of those surveyed would die for their children; yet of those same folks, only 10% would die for their parents. So, while parents may willingly sacrifice themselves, their…
“The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same”
One hundred and sixty years ago, Henry David Thoreau wrote, “You may say the wisest thing you can, old man – you who have lived seventy years, not without honor of a kind – I hear an irresistible voice which invites me away from all that. One generation abandons the enterprises of another like stranded…
Thinking of Others + Ingenuity + Space = Innovation
A teacher colleague once described middle school students as, “Hormones with feet.” These middle schoolers break the stereotype. And, at the same time, the ‘tween girls earned Verizon’s Innovative App Challenge top award of $15,000, plus technical support to bring their invention to life. Don’t underestimate the power of youth.
Got Scantron Nightmares?
Say, “S-A-T” or “A-C-T” to a high school junior, and watch their whole demeanor change. The idea that a test score that will be considered as part of a future college application can provoke a racing pulse and perspiration. A typical conversation with Juniors about the SAT and ACT goes something like this: