Campus “Vibe” vs. Academics: Why College Selection Takes the Whole Family

College students aren’t just gaining an education and future career training, they’re moving to a new community.  Parents often express concerns to Creative Marbles that their student is paying more attention to “atmosphere” or “how s/he feels on campus”–not “what do I want to study.”  These differences in perspective can create conflict, and also are…

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CA College Freshmen Moving Out of CA: A Shift or Temporary Reaction?

Since 2000, 90% more California resident high school grads are choosing to enroll in out of state colleges–both public and private.    While speculation from budget uncertainties in California to affordability of out-of-state tuition is circulating as reasons for the trend, Creative Marbles asks, “Are families and students simply approaching college as a consumer purchase, and…

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Fall 2012 UC Admissions More Competitive for Freshmen

The University of California released their admissions numbers for Fall 2012 Freshmen last week.   The uncertainty in the state budget and record number of applications  or Fall 2012 Freshmen admissions created additional competition and subjectivity in the admissions process.   UC Davis Chancellor, Linda Katehi, recently stated: UC Davis refused [Fall 2012] admissions to 1500 or…

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