Hello Students:
As you’re calculating how long you can wait to turn in assignments yet still “make the grade” before the end of the school year, also consider that many teachers are also (very) eagerly anticipating summer vacation (possibly even more than you).
Thus, teachers, who have navigated an extraordinarily complex school year and are subject to human limits, may have more difficulty (and less patience) grading piles of backlogged assignments during the limited days before the end of the school year, creating a potential for missed details or even error.
In such a case, you may not have the days to appeal or remediate any grades before the last day of school, in case you’ve miscalculated how many assignments are necessary to make the grade you desire. Also, I guarantee that if you’re not alone in your calculations, your colleagues may be similarly scheming, only increasing the mountainous pile of assignments teachers must review in these last weeks of the 2020-21 school year.
Therefore, the outcome you anticipate—making the grade you want (or is expected by your parents) or both—may be more challenging than you think to achieve. So, I’d strongly encourage you to reconsider your calculations to assess how much risk of an undesirable outcome you want to assume.
Lastly, for seniors, who’s college enrollment is likely conditioned on earning C’s or better in classes, Spring 2021 grades take on greater significance, thus even more impetus to submit assignments in a timely fashion.
Kind regards,
A former high school classroom teacher with plenty of experience finishing a academic year.
P.S. Dear Parents of the World: Feel free to quote me.
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