Kwasi Enin was recently accepted to all 8 Ivy League colleges – and offered these words of “wisdom” for future college applicants on The Late Show with David Letterman: In other reports, college admissions officers have recounted stories of being offered free surgical procedures from parents who are doctors in exchange for their kid’s acceptance,…
Category: Education
Rules of Dating…I Mean, Choosing a College
Open houses, admit days, and overnight stays for prospective students are like the blind dates of the college application process. No different than arranging and primping for the first date in order to make a good impression, months have gone into planning these annual events. Workshops are arranged, rooms are reserved, student hosts are trained,…
Thinking of Others + Ingenuity + Space = Innovation
A teacher colleague once described middle school students as, “Hormones with feet.” These middle schoolers break the stereotype. And, at the same time, the ‘tween girls earned Verizon’s Innovative App Challenge top award of $15,000, plus technical support to bring their invention to life. Don’t underestimate the power of youth.
Is College Worth the Expense?
More Americans believe that going to college is NOT an affordable option.
Got Scantron Nightmares?
Say, “S-A-T” or “A-C-T” to a high school junior, and watch their whole demeanor change. The idea that a test score that will be considered as part of a future college application can provoke a racing pulse and perspiration. A typical conversation with Juniors about the SAT and ACT goes something like this:
Fat Envelope Torture
Each spring, somewhere in the bowels of college admissions offices around the country is a network of diabolical admissions officers executing their annual conspiracy – Code Name: Fatty.
Ahead of the Curve: March 18, 2014
From Our Clients: The New SAT: current high school freshman (Class of 2017) will be the first students to take the recently updated SAT. The newest version with an optional essay section, will be given for the first time in Spring 2016. Stay tuned for how the new SAT will or will not affect the college…
Here Come The UC Decisions
The University of California (UC) system will be releasing admissions decisions on a set schedule through the end of April. While UC Riverside and UC Merced have already sent some admissions decisions, the other eight campuses will not be releasing decisions until this week. The following is a listing by campus of when admissions decisions…
College Degree = Value, Right?
Financial security, or the promise of lifetime employment, is often a reason for choosing to attend college. However, recent income and employment trends may give college-bound students pause to further contemplate their expectations of job security with a college degree. 44% of today’s college graduates are underemployed, meaning they don’t need a college degree for…
Hurry Up and Wait and Wait and Then Wait Some More
“Will my kid get in?” is a concern often rattling around Senior parents’ minds at this time of year, causing a fair share of insomnia. Worries spike each time these same parents listen to other parents excitedly share good news about their kid’s acceptance, while polite smiling to hide the anxious wonderings about why their…
Why Winning Free Money Takes Effort
Scholarships are not mysterious. Winning them takes work – which is only a continuation of the efforts to be eligible to compete for scholarships in the first place.
There’s No Excuses
Elementary school has recess for a reason – pent up little kid energy can get in the way of focusing on the academic task at hand. Adults and teens are no different; we just have to be more deliberate about making “recess” in our lives. If The President and Vice President can do it, there’s…
Ahead of the Curve: February 27, 2014
From Our Clients: Aaaaccck! How do we pay for college? Parents often tell themselves, “First things first. Applications, THEN we’ll think about how to pay for college.” Totally an expected reaction, when considering the six figure totals for a college education these days. However, the planning to pay for college can take place long before…
Mission (Im)Possible?
“I just looked at it [the original Star Trek series] as science fiction, ’cause that wasn’t going to happen, really, but Ronald saw it as science possibility.” – Carl McNair, about his brother, Astronaut Ronald McNair, who died aboard The Challenger in 1986 While we all face difficulties in our lives, some continue to move…
Rising Student Loan Delinquency
Student loans can help fund college expenses, yet create a future financial burden for students when in repayment. Currently, the total of student loans 90 days or more delinquent is at a record high of $124.3 billion – an increase of more than $3 Billion since last quarter. Possible reason for the delinquency can include…