The Latest Iteration of Innovation for the High School Junior

Not every 16 year old (an American equivalent of a high school junior), both internationally and in the United States, has the same college planning needs.  So, at Creative Marbles, we offer three different levels of support to assist families who are seeking individualized college admissions plans, in the year before most students submit undergraduate…

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The Junior Dilemma

Right about now, junior parents’ anxieties about college applications begin rising.  Thus, they begin asking, imploring, nagging, begging, commanding their 16 or 17 year old teenager to discuss the details of their college plans.  However, juniors may resist their parents’ attempts to initiate conversation about their futures—mostly demonstrated by not applying for summer programs, not…

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Let Your Light Shine.CMC

Carpe Diem

From the Business Insider, an interview with Mr. [Jeff] Bezos about choosing “service and adventure” over “ease and comfort”. “Bezos said everyone has two options for creating their “life story.” Either you go for a life of “ease and comfort” or a life of “service and adventure.” Bezos is clear about which is the right…

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College Admissions: An Unexpected Treasure

In a recent text conversation with Megan, a second year student at MIT, she reflected on the benefits of the college application process.  _____________________________________ Creative Marbles Consultancy: Any advice for seniors going through the application process, especially when applying to MIT? Megan: While it’s hard, I think they should try to enjoy the application process…

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Mind the Gap

Malia Obama recently became a famous representative of a Millennial trend, The Gap Year.  Defined as a “year-off” between high school and starting college, most “Gap Year-ians” aren’t just loafing around, playing video games and drinking Bobo teas all day.  For a generation raised on scheduled play-dates, year-round athletics, and regimented community service activities, the…

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